We share the monthly calendar for PC and cell phone wallpaper, also to print and thus start March with an overview of your days and a design that will keep you inspired.


In the month of women we want to give you some advice that we are sure will help you.

5 Habits Successful Women Make

1. Get up early
People who wake up early are better able to anticipate problems that arise at work and in the personal sphere.

2. Take time for themselves
We must practice having a time dedicated to doing something that we like or relaxes us, such as reading, listening to music or meditating in order to face the day with energy and good humor.

3. Eat breakfast
We must include healthy fats and proteins in our breakfast. Having a good breakfast will allow us to have balanced energy levels to start the day.

4. Exercise
The exercises allow us to relax, feel better and facilitate the fifth point on this list, a good night's rest.

5. Sleep well
When we sleep , the toxins that accumulate during the day in the brain are cleaned, and if this does not happen, memory and health are affected.

For mobile:

For PC and print:

To download from the cell phone, keep the screen pressed on the image and select "save image" and to save from PC, right click on the image and select "save image as".

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