Learn a little more about Viviana de Ferrari, LIFE & HOLISTIC COACH, who has dedicated the last 7 years of her life to studying methodologies with multiple spiritual leaders and well-known coaches around the world. He is dedicated to giving talks, workshops and private sessions, a mix of everything that has to do with reconnecting with ourselves and finding not only who we are but who we want to be in life. Vivi is dedicated to helping people put the things they are experiencing in their day-to-day into perspective and ultimately realize that the secret ingredient and key to everything is self-love.
She tells us : "When you're okay with yourself, you have that solid foundation of self-love, you can build anything on top of it and it never falls apart. When you're not okay with yourself, no matter what you've built, there will always be a crash somewhere." aspect of your life because there isn't that solid foundation.
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This is what Vivi thinks about self-love:
For me before love comes acceptance , being well, being at peace with who I am as a person and I think that goes hand in hand with self-love. You cannot love something that you do not accept, instead when you accept it then you can love it and self-love for me has to do not only with loving your physical body but with loving your essence, what you see beyond, your soul, loving who are you. It's like finding this package of body, mind and soul and say. I love many things about myself and I accept all the things that I do not love, I accept them because I know that I have the power to change them, there are some that I do not, there are others that I do; So the ones that I can't change, I work every day to accept them, the ones that I can change, I work every day to change them but not from the “oh, I don't like this, I hate it” but from it it's fine, that's there and it's part of who I am but it doesn't define me, it doesn't necessarily make me who I am, it's not my everything, there's so much more to me.
Self-love is about really seeing yourself and not just seeing what we've been taught to see based on all the stereotypes of beauty, the stereotypes of intelligence. That to me is self-love, finding all those things that you like about yourself, from the intellectual to the physical and emotional, and turning up the volume on that while working on those things that you don't love so much but don't hate, it's all going to depend on how you look at it and what spin you want to give to the situation.
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If you want to practice self-love, look in the mirror and not only look at yourself in the reflection but look beyond yourself, look at your eyes, try to see what is behind your body, it is like trying to look at your soul and say "I love you". From the hand of love comes self-celebration, being able to celebrate every little step one takes. So being able to look at yourself in the mirror, being able to hug you and tell you nice things, being able to look at those things you don't like about yourself and say: you know, today I don't hate you, you don't bother me so much anymore, today I love you a little more. That is self love. When you're okay with yourself, you make other people see them the way you see yourself.
To learn more about her, listen to the full interview on the Moixx podcast that you can find on our Spotify.